
Title: Transparency. Date: 2015-05-06 Author: Ian Barton. Tags: [parishcouncil]

As part of Cheshire East's Transparency Code the Parish Council is publishing its financial records. The following documents are all available as pdf files on Google Drive. Click on the link to open the document.

2023-2024 Accounts

2023-2024 accounts

2020-2021 Accounts

2020-2021 accounts

2016 -2017 accounts

2016-2017 accounts

2016-2017 cheque payments

2016-2017 cheque payments

2016-2017 Budget

2016-2017 budget

Source Code for the Web Site.

The complete source code for this site is available on Github and the site itself is hosted by Github. There are instructions for downloading the source code and building the site on your own computer on the Github page.